kissandmakeup is so excited to be part of your wedding and beautify you for all life's celebrations.

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You may be dreading the homework, tests, and pop quizzes that come with going back to school but there is a silver lining! Those high school hallways are a perfect makeshift cat walk. School is a great opportunity to show off your style (and learn a little while you do it)! Let’s be honest, you’ve […]

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Airbrush makeup is a staple for any bridal makeup application! Airbrush makeup has so many benefits we always encourage our clients to choose our airbrush option. What makes it different than traditional makeup? A couple key benefits make it a no brainer. We are excited to be hosting an upcoming series of Kett Cosmetics Workshops […]

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Did you survive the last heat-wave? It was a brutal one! Just keep in mind, summer is only half way over. While we are SO thankful we still have more time to embrace the sun and work on our tan, but sun means damage! Our skin, hair, and lips are all constantly exposed to the […]