March 14, 2018

Self-compassion practice is a way to relate to ourselves in a more kind and caring way. It allows us to recognize the power we all have within us to soothe and comfort ourselves in times of perceived failure, shame, or disappointment rather than rely on external sources of reassurance and acceptance. Self-compassion is an antidote to the cycle of self-criticism and shame we so often find ourselves playing over and over in our minds.

Dr. Phipps owns a private psychotherapy practice in downtown Middletown (Small Victories Wellness Services, PLLC) where she specializes in helping adults battle mood disorders, forge through major life transitions, heal relationships issues, and reject body shame and perfectionism. See her website for additional information:

Our upcoming Bare and Beautiful workshop is for women who want to challenge the unfair expectations society places on them. They see how these standards push them to be critical of themselves and believe they could never be good enough just as they are. They also see how much emotional energy is often spent comparing themselves to others, feeling shame, and wishing they could be different in some way. The Bare and Beautiful Phase 1 Workshop is for women who are ready to take steps toward rejecting this way of living. In 2018, women have much more important things to do with our energy than strive for some kind of perfection that isn’t realistic or necessary to live joyful and whole-hearted lives.
During the Bare and Beautiful Phase 1 workshop, you’ll be introduced to the practice of self-compassion and how to incorporate it’s three components (self-kindness, emotional mindfulness, and common humanity) into your life. This workshop is experiential and powerful, because as you are challenged to be vulnerable and “bare,” you’ll also be walked through the process of responding to yourself with compassion, kindness, and acceptance. Also, instead of giving into tendencies to compare ourselves to each other, we will create space for connection as we come together “bare” in our courage and vulnerability.